I’m not kidding, you can’t make this stuff up. There really is a group called:
“Information Overload Research Group – reducing information pollution”.
The mission:
We work together to build awareness of the world’s greatest challenge to productivity, conduct research, help define best practices, contribute to the creation of solutions, share information and resources, offer guidance and facilitation, and help make the business case for fighting information overload.
They even have conferences and events:
With our inaugural conference over, the IORG steering team (after catching its breath…) is now working to define future activities for our new organization.
But wait, there’s more, including feature articles and papers:
TaskTracer Part 1: Software to reduce the cost of interruptions
Jon Herlocker describes the theory and application that led to the TaskTracer tool.
I suppose there is plenty of pain to warrant such an industry working group. Though I’m not sure this group is a viable answer to the problem. Learn more here.