American Idol: And The Winner Is…

Don’t know for sure yet, but TechWeb reports on a very nifty research invention to predict the American Idol winner: 

Katharine McPhee and Taylor Hicks will face the last round of competition in the fifth "American Idol" tonight (Tuesday, May 23), with the winner announced Wednesday.

At 9:03 PM EDT Tuesday, predictions for the winner will begin streaming into the Web site. The software will automatically calculate and post the estimates, said Jim Hellriegel, a 30-year-old network engineer from Cleveland, Ohio,

Hellriegel developed a program last year to help him speed-dial votes for his favorite "American Idol" contestants. Then he realized busy signals correlated to votes, and most busy signals on Tuesday night turned out as top vote-winners on Wednesday.

This year, Hellriegel bought the Web site URL and posted the software application. Now fans can download free software he wrote that sends statistics on busy signals directly to his Web site, which ranks contestants in real time. The software is free and available on the site. Hellriegel estimates about 50,000 "American Idol" fans have downloaded the software.

If bet we could come up with a powerful predictive tool if we could crunch data with blog discussion insights from (from the company where I work) and search-query data from Hitwise.

Published by Max Kalehoff

Father, sailor and marketing executive.

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