I was in Washington, D.C. Friday for some meetings, and had to settle for a last-row middle seat in order to get on an earlier afternoon shuttle back to New York. I hate middle seats, but I didn’t mind during this trip because Senator Chuck Schumer was assigned to the seat next to me.… Read the rest
Category Archives: Fun & Random
I Want A Pair of Heelys!
Have you ever been in a shopping center or public building with a smooth floor? If yes, then you’ve certainly been circled at one point by a kid or two sporting Heelys, those sneakers with the wheels in the heels. These kids angle their heels, then start gliding.… Read the rest
My First Father’s Day
To me, every day is father’s day, but today was still special. We went out on our family sailboat — Julian’s first time on the water.… Read the rest
10 Reasons Why The Price Is Right Feels So Good
With the retirement of Bob Parker, host of CBS’ long-running Price Is Right televised game show, Kevin Thompson at the Palm Beach Post shares his top 10 reasons why the Price felt so good. I’ll skip to reason number six, because it references my dad, the genius behind the Price Is Right theme song:
… Read the rest6.
Chicken Breasts And Commercial Ratings
Jon Nesvig, president of sales for Fox Broadcasting, and a supporter of television commercial ratings, said in Tuesday’s issue of Jack Myers Media Business Report:
… Read the restIt’s like buying chicken breasts without the bone so you know how much meat you’re getting.