Google Wins Appeal on Copyright of Nude Images

The Washington Post confirms:

A federal appeals court ruled yesterday that Google did not infringe on the copyrights of an adult publishing company by displaying thumbnail images of its nude photographs, handing Internet search companies a victory by allowing the display of such miniature pictures in search results.

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What Picture Do Algorithms Paint Of You?

I admit it: I love data and extracting stories from them. That’s what I do for a living, though more on the story and trend analysis side. I’m not a hardcore quantitative expert, though I know enough to be dangerous and ask tough questions. Not surprisingly, I pay attention to the metrics for AttentionMax, including the search queries that lead people to my blog.… Read the rest

Absurdity: Reporters Should Be Disqualified Because They Care

Leslie Stahl on Lou Dobbs during the latest episode of CBS 60 Minutes:

Dobbs scoffs at suggestions that his advocacy tarnishes his credentials as a journalist.

Dobbs’ pre-recorded statement that prompted Stall’s declaration:

The idea that a reporter should be disqualified because he or she actually cares, actually isn’t neutral about the wellbeing of a country and its people…that’s absurd.

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