US Internet Addicts ‘As Ill as Alcoholics’

New Scientist reports:

The US could be rife with "internet addicts" who are as clinically ill as alcoholics, according to psychiatrists involved in a nationwide study.

The study, carried out by researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine in California, US, indicates that more than one in eight US residents show signs of "problematic internet use".

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Promote Your Marketing Blog With A Flyer

Nigel Hollis, chief research analyst at Millward Brown, is a hip guy, especially for a research guy. But he’s the last I would’ve suspected to come up with a clever way to promote his blog. I recently stopped by the Millward Brown offices to interview Michelle de Montigny for the Engagement By Engagement blog, and came across this nifty flyer in the lobby promoting Nigel’s blog:





This is one of the more engaging, non-BS corporate collateral pieces I’ve seen.… Read the rest

Using Statistical Sampling To Estimate Life & Death In Iraq

The market research world will forever debate the validity of sampling based research methodologies, and this will only increase as discernable, valuable niches proliferate. But those projection techniques certainly are not limited to marketing.… Read the rest

Marketing Maggot Juice

The New Scientist reports on a new ‘maggot juice’ to help heal wounds:

Bandages containing fluids secreted by maggots could help accelerate the body’s healing process, research suggests.

Live maggots are sometimes applied to chronic wounds because they eat dead tissue, but leave healthy tissue alone, boosting healing.

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