Wanted: Marketing Manager To Work With Me At My NYC Start-Up

I’m searching for a marketing manager to join the team at Clickable – reporting to me! We need a pro, fluent in search advertising, to help lead online marketing, education, product support, community and industry thought leadership for our search-advertising start-up.… Read the rest

I Prefer The Window Seat When I Fly On Jets

I arrived in Atlanta this morning via jet. It got me thinking: When flying, many people prefer to have an aisle seat. But not me.

First, I like the window seat so I can see what’s going on outside. The view of the earth from tens of thousands of feet in the sky is breathtaking.… Read the rest

Comment Of The Week: Kate Niederhoffer On The Effect Of Transparent Measurement In Social Media

…the other equally interesting phenomenon implicated here is the effect of transparent measurement. the authors showed, statistically, that people’s productivity is tied to their very blatant awareness of performance. there’s so much information conveyed in the counts we’re all becoming so attuned to… blog analytics, twitter followers, etc..

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