Attention Is The Currency Of Crowdsourcing

We used to live in a world where few people produced content and most people consumed it. Thanks to the Web, nearly every digitally connected person creates some sort of content and nobody can consume it all. This has enabled a new phenomenon of content contribution that’s changing the world: crowdsourcing.… Read the rest

Overwhelmed? Join The Information Overload Group

MANDALAY, MYANMAR - FEBRUARY 22:  Burmese monks work on computers reading Buddhist websites at a local internet cafe February 22, 2007 in Mandalay, Myanmar. The internet is strictly controlled by the government banning all free email services such as Yahoo, Hotmail and AOL. With economic sanctions crippling the economy its people are eager for change and a better life. According to government experts who are working on a seven step road map to democracy, within the next few months the Draft Constitution will be finalized which will hopefully bring a Referendum for Constitution by the end of the year. After that a democratic election will be held in 2008.  (Photo by Paula Bronstein/Getty Images)

I’m not kidding, you can’t make this stuff up. There really is a group called:

“Information Overload Research Group – reducing information pollution”.

The mission:

We work together to build awareness of the world’s greatest challenge to productivity, conduct research, help define best practices, contribute to the creation of solutions, share information and resources, offer guidance and facilitation, and help make the business case for fighting information overload.

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New Flatiron Office With Sunny Views Of 21st and 22nd Street

My company just moved to a great new office, at 7 West 22nd Street, in New York‘s Flatiron district (ironically, across the street from the old office of my prior start-up). My new desk faces South and has a great view of 21st and 22nd Street. If you’re curious what it’s like inside the office, I posted a movie tour to my company’s blog to share with customers and friends.… Read the rest

Brand Building Will Continue To Rely On Careful Orchestration, While A Vocal Minority Drives Accountability

My friend Nigel Hollis, Chief Global Analyst at Millward Brown, invited friends to submit branding and research questions, and receive personal replies and insights. This was in anticipation of his forthcoming book, The Global Brand: How to Create and Develop Lasting Brand Value in the World Market, based on Millward Brown’s annual BrandZ study of 10,000 brands in 31 countries.… Read the rest