Panoptic Tension

Peter Kim says that since he left Forrester about six weeks ago, people have been telling him that his blog has gotten a lot more interesting. And it has. Just look at the explosion in comments and reader engagement. He claims the increase in interestingness was due to an expansion of his thinking while building a new company.… Read the rest

Rob Sterling On Those “ahs” and “ums” and “likes”

The problem is that people use these spacemakers to provide the time they need to think about what they’re saying, and if you force them to abandon the spaces they won’t have time to fully organize their thoughts. A lot of people do something similar by shifting their eyes up, down or sideways – shutting down extraneous inputs to improve focus – which is OK in person but looks terrible on TV.

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Those “ahs” and “ums” and “likes” Erode Your Value

I recently wrote about confronting friction and risk. We’ll throw this one in the friction bucket…

Today a few of the senior members of the management team at my company, including me, agreed to police each other’s use of the words “ah”, “um”, and “like”.… Read the rest

Confronting Friction & Risk Head-On

Following also is my latest MediaPost column

Confronting Friction & Risk Head-On

What keeps promising start-ups from turning into great companies? What keeps them from flopping after a series of otherwise early successes?

Having just returned from a company strategy offsite, I’ve been thinking a lot about those questions.… Read the rest