Social Media Training Wheels

Shel Holtz offers good advice for companies seeking to enter the world of social media in non-threatening ways. He suggests two passive approaches:

  • For your external communications, add a “share this” link to every article or page.
  • For internal communication, add a rating-and-comment feature to every page.
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The Etiquette Of Seeking Advice

I love helping college students and recent graduates, including from my alma mater, Syracuse University. I receive a good number of calls from there and elsewhere and I enjoy responding. However, I’m periodically aggravated by email from students who request “general tips to succeed.”… Read the rest

I Need Some Serious Advice On Our Wills

Laura and I are working with our lawyer on our wills. This is especially serious because we have one toddler and another baby due in July. I need to fill in the following blanks should our kids lose both of us.

  1. Guardian For Kids: primary_______ and backup_______
  2. Executor Of Will: primary_______ and backup_______
  3. Trustee Of Assets Until Transferred To Kids: primary_______ and backup_______

These are tough decisions.… Read the rest

I Don’t Get Any Respect, None I Tell You!

Rodney Dangerfield

Sprint CEO Dan Hesse recently told Forbes that “his number one priority is improving customer service.” I’m not sure that’s true. Miraculously, I’ve been a Sprint wireless customer since March 2000. My wife and I upgraded our phones this past Saturday amidst a promise on Sprint’s Web site for overnight product delivery.… Read the rest

The Etiquette Of Seeking Advice

I love helping college students, including from my alma mater, Syracuse University, where I receive a lot of requests. However, I’m perpetually aggravated by email from students requesting “general tips” to succeed. I’m not talking about tips for any specific question or objective, but thoughtless requests for tips to make it in their careers.… Read the rest