Good Experiences, The First Time, Buy Patience And Loyalty

My 18-month-old son will soon graduate from his crib to a big-boy twin-size bed. So last week Laura and I turned to the Web.

We picked out a new bed on We used its mattress calculator to select a model and then ran a few comparative searches externally to make sure we got the best deal.… Read the rest

Acknowledge What You Don’t Know

The following also is my latest MediaPost column

Acknowledge What You Don’t Know

Venture capitalist Mike Hirshland recently explained how he was delighted when the CEO of one of his portfolio companies said to him: “I’d love some help here, I think we are doing the right things but to be honest I don’t know what I don’t know.”… Read the rest

The Flaws Of Human Thinking

The New Scientist recently interviewed NYU psychologist and linguist Gary Marcus about the clumsiness of the human brain. Marcus describes the brain as “a clumsy collection of spare parts” — a kluge. “A kluge is a clumsy or inelegant solution to a problem that gets the job done, but not necessarily in the best way possible.”… Read the rest