A Cry Out To Yahoo!

The WSJ/DowJones issued a story on Yahoo’s new ad-ranking technology, so the headline said, but it failed to actually describe what it was. Regardless, a few graphs caught my attention:

Mr. Semel said Yahoo is harnessing "social media," or tools for engaging consumers, so that they contribute content to Yahoo sites and spend more time there, which Yahoo hopes will in turn woo advertising dollars.

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Municipal WiFi Coming Close To Home!

The NYTimes reports

New York City officials set a July deadline yesterday for a city contractor to have a wireless network up and running in Central Park, in what would be a major expansion of free Internet access that the city plans to replicate across its vast ribbons of parkland during the next several years.

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Porn Industry Leads Media Technology Applications…Again

First they led with the VCR, then they pushed the boundaries with Internet images and streaming video. Once again, the porn industry is demonstrating utter leadership with the download-to-dvd-to-TV model. Says the AP:

Starting Monday, Vivid Entertainment says it will sell its adult films through the online movie service CinemaNow, allowing buyers to burn DVDs that will play on any screen, not just a computer.

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