Reminder: Take The AttentionMax Survey

To celebrate (or condemn) the 100th entry on AttentionMax, please take my reader/participant survey! Does it suck? Or is it awesome?

Join the cool crowd and take the two-minute survey here, and don’t forget to enter this password: maxrocks

The deadline to take the survey is May 12, 2006 at 8PM EST.Read the rest

My Adventures In MySpace…Chapter 7…How Do I Change My Marital Status On MySpace?

(An Ad on MySpace)

Occasionally I check to see which phrases are drawing visitors from search engines into AttentionMax. Given my MySpace chronicles, I guess it’s not surprising that four of the top 50 search phrases this past week were related to MySpace.Read the rest

Waiting For Pain Is Painful…And Television Commercials?

Dread lights up like pain in your brain, the New Scientist reports:

The feeling of dread lights up the parts of the brain linked with pain, making the experience so uncomfortable that people choose to end the wait for an unpleasant experience sooner, even if it means incurring a penalty.

Read the rest

694 Million People Use the Internet Worldwide

comScore Media Metrix, where I used to work, says that 694 million people use the Internet worldwide. My gut tells me that estimate is a bit low. But it’s awesome they’re producing the first ongoing estimates, which can be challenged and debated, as well as studied to reveal usage behaviors and trends.Read the rest

NYC Ad Agency Retracts Lawsuit Against Blogger

The litigious and arrogant New York advertising agency, Warren Kremer Paino Advertising, which sued the Maine blogger for exercising free speech, has dropped its case. Considering that all marketing agencies have no choice but to make social media part of their mix, I’ve got to wonder how Warren Kremer Paino is ever going to save itself.Read the rest