I’ve Adopted Social Bookmarking Link Posts

As you probably have noticed, I’ve added daily link posts to my blog by using del.icio.us. If you know all about del.icio.us, then skip this post. If not, read on…

I use del.icio.us, the social bookmark service owned by Yahoo!, which lets me bookmark and tag (create text descriptors to) any Web page I would like to make available to myself anytime in the future.Read the rest

The Media Business And Its Disruptions

The Media Business And Its Disruptions…That’s the name of the new blog from the very smart Mark Green, SVP of media at ACNielsen, the huge global market research firm (which is affiliated with the company I work for). Mark’s offering some in-depth analysis on the changing media landscape and confronting key issues that most traditional media- and market-modeling types often deny.Read the rest

Ad Agency Bullies Blogger, Now Needs PR Firm

I wasn’t going to comment on this advertising agency, Warren Kremer Paino Advertising, over its suing of a Maine-based blogger who exercised his right to free speech. But to champion this bloggers’ cause, I’ve decided to join the mob and regurgitate AdAge’s summary:

An ad agency that specialized in travel advertising is suing a Maine-based blogger for defamation after he began to post regularly about the work the agency was doing for its client, the state of Maine.

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Risk Aversion is Risky Business for Marketers and Agencies

Rance Crain of AdAge has a pretty good piece today reflecting on a supposedly growing problem of risk-averse marketers, he concludes:

What worries me most here is that the play-it-safe attitude of the ad industry is indicative of bigger problems. U.S.

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