I’ve Become A Citizen Journalist!

I recently posted about New Yorkers stampeding Trader Joe’s during the New York City opening weekend. I captured the action on my Treo 650 during a date with my wife to that fine store, which we couldn’t get into after all. Well, that picture of the stampede was discovered by the Gothamist, via Flickr.… Read the rest

Liberate Prison Radio From The Prison Walls

Today’s NYTimes:

KLSP, a radio station with one turntable, six employees and a $48 weekly payroll, has limited reach over this patch of swampy farmland and razor wire northwest of Baton Rouge. It is meant to be that way.

The station director and most of the D.J.’s

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Google Voice Search Coming?

Via Ken Fisher:

Patent #7,027,987 issued today by the US Patent and Trademark Office covers a "Voice interface for a search engine," which is described as: "A system provides search results from a voice search query. The system receives a voice search query from a user, derives one or more recognition hypotheses, each being associated with a weight, from the voice search query, and constructs a weighted boolean query using the recognition hypotheses.

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My Adventures In Myspace…Chapter 1

(A MySpace Advertiser)

I’m perplexed at how many marketing executives are awed by MySpace but have not joined the community to experience what it’s all about. That’s like being awed by sex but never actually trying it — and concurrently believing obvservation is an equal substitute. Read the rest

Who’s Leads The Conversation: Mossberg or Pogue?

Who’s leading the personal-technology conversation (in terms of share of mentions in the blogosphere): WSJ’s Walt Mossberg or NYTimes’ David Pogue? It depends on the day.


Still, as I said in my last post, these columnists need to learn how to get more clued into the conversation.Read the rest