Cars — and especially SUVs — are lethal machinery. They’re even more lethal when combined with young, inexperienced drivers.
The other night at around 10:30pm, nearly asleep after a 19-hour day, we heard a car skid outside our home.… Read the rest
Cars — and especially SUVs — are lethal machinery. They’re even more lethal when combined with young, inexperienced drivers.
The other night at around 10:30pm, nearly asleep after a 19-hour day, we heard a car skid outside our home.… Read the rest
Twitter now is fully a part of a marketer’s universe. But it should not rule out other social media venues when seeking deep customer sentiment.
Serendipitously, I met with two CEOs last week to talk about their ventures in text-mining and social media analysis.… Read the rest
Have you ever considered using your OWN NAME in a vanity short URL (like this:
Thanks to the global proliferation of messaging services like Twitter and SMS, and a recognized value of character efficiency, URL shortening has gone mainstream.… Read the rest
Better late than never. 🙂
I like the act of self reflection and prescription involved with new-year resolutions. But to me, these formal intentions tend to be idealistic, poorly executed and often cliche. That’s why I’ve always shied away from them.… Read the rest
“If you want to live longer and healthier than the average American, then come to New York City.” – Mayor Bloomberg, December 27, 2011
True or not, I’ve always perceived that people in New York are slimmer and healthier than people elsewhere.… Read the rest