Rethinking Education

Cap and Gown

“The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.”
– Albert Einstein

It’s graduation season. And I’ve spoken recently with many high school juniors and graduating seniors, as well as their parents. At least in my social and family circles, there’s one topic that dominates their lives to a hysterical degree: college admissions and college financing.… Read the rest

Blog Disclaimers

We’ve all seen the ubiquitous CYA disclaimer statements on blogs.

These words are my own and not representative of my current or former employers.

…yada yada yada…

I even have one on the About section of this site.

My friend Peter Kim says these disclaimers don’t matter — that they’re hokey because affiliation happens regardless.… Read the rest

SEMPO NYC Tech Demo Night

"Gong"We held our latest SEMPO NYC event last Thursday:  the much anticipated (and sold out) annual “Tech Demo Night”. We made an open call to any companies building search and social marketing technology to come show off their latest innovations to the grassroots New York search marketing community.… Read the rest