Costco Weddings

Costco Wedding Costco is on my mind as I finalize my list for the monthly bulk supply run. On the list are staples like diapers, Pull Ups, gallons of organic milk, kiddie treats, garbage bags, cleaning supplies and more.

With unusual timing, I just received an email from Costco (I'm on the mailing list) with the subject: "Weddings by Costco.… Read the rest

Who’s Accountable For The SEO Black Hat?

The New York Times today published an investigative report by David Segal on J.C.Penney's fantastic 2010 performance in organic search engine results, which helped boost online sales. However, this performance turned out to be largely the result of an agency's extensive black-hat search engine optimization (SEO) campaign, far out of Google's compliance zone.… Read the rest