Your Company’s Mission & Values Statements Are A Big Pile Of B.S.

Mission StatementI’ve paid attention to the mission, vision and values statements posted on the walls of several corporate offices I’ve visited recently. Nearly all of them use a lot of big, aspirational words that are combined to create long-winded phrases that are boring and generic — and too often cliched.… Read the rest

The Most Valuable Productivity Tool Ever — And It’s Not An iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, MacBook, iPad Or Any Other Flimsy, Unreliable Electronic Device

My Paper Notebook During my recent vacation, while setting up my Evo smartphone’s WiFi hotspot so I could connect my MacBook to the Internet, I asked myself: “What is my most valuable workplace productivity tool?” It is not my smartphone or laptop.… Read the rest

Avoid Being A Dork By Getting Your Headshot In Shape

I don’t attend many industry conferences, but there were a few this past July where I noticed something peculiar: the headshots of many of the speakers used in event publicity and promotions were years out of date. Compared to their current real-life appearance, many of the speakers’ headshots portrayed them with far fewer gray hairs and wrinkles, and an abundance of retro hairstyles and yesterday’s apparel.… Read the rest