Forget The iPad, Give Me A Nice Pen & Paper

If one thing is certain about technology, it’s that future generations will look back and laugh at how our “hot technologies” were prehistoric and silly. That probably includes the iPad and iPhone, which most consider to have revolutionized human-computer interaction via touch screens.… Read the rest

Reminder On Email Privacy And Etiquette

Email is not sexy, but it’s fundamental and thriving. Email is the root of our identities on the Web. It firmly remains the default social network. It is a simple and ubiquitous channel. We all grant our attention to email.

Which is why email is becoming more popular among among businesses that seek our attention, our engagement and our wallets.… Read the rest

Why It Pays To Invest In A Good Grill

Weber Grill Assembly

I recently bought a new Weber grill and proudly posted about it here and talked about it on our Cast of Dads podcast. This week I had another opportunity to talk about my new pride-and-joy — with a reporter from a national business magazine. He interviewed me for a summer feature story on investing in new grills in shaky economies.
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