Search Marketers Poised To Dominate Exploding Growth Of Social Media Advertising

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There probably isn’t a single advertising or marketing communications agency today that hasn’t checked the box on “social media marketing.” Can you think of one that hasn’t? No? Didn’t think so.

With so many agency disciplines and the absence of meaningful advertising platforms on the social networks, most agencies have been building social-media marketing (SMM) capabilities around “earned media” tactics.… Read the rest

When Media Unbundle From Physical Devices And Become Infinite And On-Demand

You know you’re old when your three-year-old picks up an old cassette tape recorder you have lying around, and asks: “Daddy, what is this?”

But wait, it gets worse. I explained to my son Julian, “It works like an iPod.” So he asked, “But how does it work?”… Read the rest