Recession Duress? Work Smarter, Not Harder

Recessions suck. Layoffs suck. And for the “lucky ones” who sustain employment amidst downsizing? Life can suck for them, too.

Being a New Yorker, I’ve talked recently with many of the latter, lucky ones – from industries like media, advertising, banking and the arts.… Read the rest

Passion Flight

Passion is at once one of the most influential, misunderstood and undervalued factors that determine business success. I believe strongly in passion for a host of reasons, including its connection to purpose and competitive advantage.

Passion is not addressed often enough in formal business, which is why I was delighted to read John Hagel’s latest think piece on the subject.… Read the rest

Social-Media Experts: Snake-Oil Salesmen?

For his final story at Businessweek, Stephen Baker probed the world of social-media snake-oil salesmen.

The self-proclaimed experts range from legions of wannabes, many of them refugees from the real estate bust, to industry superstars…They produce best-selling books and dole out advice or lead workshops at companies for thousands of dollars a day.

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Introducing The Cast Of Dads

The Sony daddy-blogging program was enjoyable (and I’ll post a full recap of the experience soon). The experiment in social-media marketing was a success, if for any reason, because its spirit will live on indefinitely. Why is that? The featured dads have decided to take advantage of their new friendships and start a daddy podcast!… Read the rest