Be On Purpose

Luke Skywalker
Ever heard of the importance of being on time? Well, it’s perhaps more important to be on purpose.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a one-on-one meeting, a presentation, a formal event, a passive observation or even a nap. Time and attention are scarce and their allocation can have compounding impact — positively or negatively.… Read the rest

Halloween Season


The latest in the Sony DigiDads project centered around a Fall class field trip. My two kids are one and two years old, so documenting a field trip was out of the question. Instead, I photographed three Halloween events: the Pelham Newcomers Halloween Party, the Clickable Kids Halloween Party and trick-or-treating on Halloween night.… Read the rest

Planning A Funeral? Purchase Your Casket At Costco

I’m not easy to market to. I’m loyal to few brands. I shun most advertising.  I’m a jaded consumer. (I think that’s what makes me more effective as a marketer.)

Which is why I love Costco, the wholesale warehouse club. I can get good deals on a huge variety of necessities and luxuries.… Read the rest