The Kalehoffs Host Family Movie Night (…And Test A Bunch Of Sony Gear)


As announced last week, I’m participating in Sony’s DigiDads program. Several tech-savvy daddy bloggers, including me, are testing Sony gear and sharing our experiences while collaborating on some fun projects. Our first assignment was the Connected Living room, where we set up some home-theater gear and hosted movie night. … Read the rest

My Most Vivid Memories of Ted Kennedy


U.S. Senator Ted Kennedy passed away. The event sparked vivid memories of my teenage years. Immediately after graduating from high school I spent several months living on the beach at Gannon & Benjamin shipyard in Vineyard Haven, a town on the island of Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts.… Read the rest

Remote Control Hell: It’s Time To Fight Back!

Recently I examined the ubiquitous problem of electronics: their obnoxious, blinking LEDs and displays. Our assimilation with machines has led to a subtle encroachment of electronics status updates that constantly demand our attention. But there’s yet another encroaching violator of our sanity amidst the electronics realm: remote controls.Read the rest

Enough Mommy Bloggers Already, Daddy Bloggers Debut

Sony Digidads

One of the biggest, overnight sensations in mainstream media and marketing circles has been mommy bloggers. They’ve stirred up a hurricane of hype and controversy, but now it’s time for daddies to enjoy the spotlight.

Which is why I’m delighted to announce my participation in Sony Electronics’ DigiDads Project.… Read the rest

Advertising Peaked – So What Is Your Company’s Growth Engine Now?

Forrester analyst Shar VanBoskirk recently shared shared her firm’s updated interactive marketing forecast. I don’t pay attention to forecasts, but I thought the directional assertions were correct. Forrester says that advertising budgets, overall, will decline, but investment will pick up in other areas to drive growth:

With dollars moving out of traditional media toward less expensive and more efficient interactive tools, marketers will actually need less money to accomplish their current advertising goals.

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