Why Are Electronic Devices So Blinking Obnoxious?

Our precious attentions are bombarded not just by email spam and untargeted advertising. Electronic devices are guilty as well.

Venture capitalist Albert Wenger recently described the overkill of bright lights and LEDs. He said: “It seems that every device these days comes with one or more LEDs to announce its presence.

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On Humanity And Clean Water

We recently hosted Peter Thum at Clickable‘s Interesting Cafe, our monthly culture night and open house. Peter’s the founder of Ethos Water, which has generated over six million dollars to help a half-million people around the world get clean water, as well as hygiene and sanitation education.… Read the rest

Global Air Traffic In 24 Hours – Super-Cool Video

This animation of global large-plane air traffic over 24 hours is super cool. From outer space, air traffic looks a bit like maggots attacking a rotting animal. Like armies of little critters marching in and out of decaying crevices. (via Joel Rubinson)

(If you’re reading this post via email, I highly encourage you to click through to the Web site to watch the video.)… Read the rest

The Walls Come Down

Peter Himler says:

Media relations pros always have taken a “hybrid” approach to finding the “right,” i.e., most appropriate outlet. It’s just that today’s options transcend the wires, newspapers, magazines, local, network and syndicated TV, radio and websites, to include myriad bloggers and microbloggers.

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What Is Hyperlocal? Can Someone Please Tell Me?

Four Corners Pizza in Pelham, NY

“Hyperlocal” is the new buzzword in media and advertising. The word is especially in favor among community-oriented blogs and Web technology startups. But the word suffers from ambiguity. By extension, the promising sector it attempts to represent suffers as well.… Read the rest