Why Inventing Matters

The best and most inspiring ideas often come from people outside your periphery. That’s why we hold Interesting Café at our startup, Clickable. It’s a community discussion led monthly by a different interesting person, who provokes and shares wisdom through a personal story.… Read the rest

Oscar-Winning Steadicam Inventor Garret Brown On Invention, Passion And Sustainability: Video Interview

Garrett Brown on Rocky

Garrett Brown, Oscar-Winning inventor of the Steadicam, led our last discussion at Clickable’s Interesting Café, one of our company‘s culture and community initiatives. Steadicam is a game-changing film invention, and Garrett’s shot with it on nearly 100 movies including Rocky, The Shining and Return of the Jedi.… Read the rest

A Note About Tracking Cookies

The Wall Street Journal’s All Things Digital recently served me an unexpected banner across the top of the blog’s entry page titled “A note about tracking cookies.” It said:

Some of the advertisers and Web analytics firms used on this site may place ‘tracking cookies’ on your computer.

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Total Time Spent With Online Media Is Not Indicative Of Its Worth

David Meer at Enfatico observes that many frustrated and idealistic people in the online media business persistently point out the discrepancy between time and money spent online:

Despite the fact that people spend around 30% of their media time online, advertising online captures less than 10% of media budgets-and the gap has persisted over the last several years.

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