What Would You Ask The People Trying To Disrupt The Advertising Business With Automation?


(Terminator 2 Endoskeleton Arm — Source: Wikipedia)

As I’ve noted previously, I’ll be moderating a debate at O’Reilly’s Web 2.0 NYC conference on advertising automation and the fate of human, manual labor in the overall advertising ecosystem.… Read the rest

An Elegant Spam-Fighting, Widget-Breeding Superhero

I just had my one-year anniversary of hosting this blog with WordPress blog-hosting software. My experience has been much better than with Moveable Type — which I used prior. The primary reason? The WordPress’s Akismet:

Automattic Kismet (Akismet for short) is a collaborative effort to make comment and trackback spam a non-issue and restore innocence to blogging, so you never have to worry about spam again.

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I Finally Switched To Fiber Optic Internet

I’ve been Twittering the never-ending saga of firing my cable company and switching to a (finally) newbie competitor. I’m sure the journey’s far from over, but here’s a summary report — also my latest MediaPost column

I Finally Switched To Fiber Optic Internet
April 18th, 2008 by Max Kalehoff

Last October, I contemplated canceling my bundled Internet-television-phone package through my local cable company and switching to Verizon FiOS.… Read the rest

The Coolest Tech & Media Companies Are In Silicon Alley

The Coolest Tech Media Companies Are In Silicon Alley
Laurie Shulman mentioned to me the other day via Twitter that all the cool techies are in New York’s Silicon Alley. I happen to work at one of those cool Silicon Alley tech startups, so I couldn’t help but to reply to Laurie with the formation of the official “The Coolest Tech Media Companies Are In Silicon Alley” Facebook group.… Read the rest

Machines Threaten Advertising Grunt Workers

Following is also my latest MediaPost Spin column… 

Machines Threaten Advertising Grunt Workers
March 21st, 2008 by Max Kalehoff

According to Garry Kasparov, the former world-champion chess player, the British mathematician Alan Turing envisioned the yet-to-be-invented computer playing chess and beating the human world champion.… Read the rest