Stubborn Customers Shun The Greatest Product Innovations

Following is also my latest column in Mediapost.

Stubborn Customers Shun The Greatest Product Innovations
March 14th, 2008 by Max Kalehoff

If you follow my column, blog or Twitter updates, you know that I recently canceled my bundled Internet-television-phone service with Cablevision.… Read the rest

We Should All Care Less About The Hi-Def DVD Format War

Massive hype is surrounding Sony for winning the so-called hi-def DVD format war. The movie studios and distributors sided with Sony Blu-Ray, and rival Toshiba announced immediately it would stop producing its HD DVD players. While standardization will be welcomed by the movie industry to help inject some life into a stagnant market for movie DVD’s, this advancement is much ado about little.… Read the rest

The Future Of Industry Analysts In The Tech Sector

Jonny Bentwood at Edelman pointed to a recent Wall Street Journal story by Lee Gomes, which probed the opacity and subjectivity of industry analysts in the tech sector. Aberdeen Group was the poster child:

There were many excesses during the Internet bubble; one involved the Aberdeen Group, which passed itself off as a technology consulting and research operation, but which was for the most part a “pay-for-praise” operation.

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What Truly Stands Out About My Mac (Versus All The WindowBased PCs I’ve Owned)

Both Macs and Microsoft Windows-based computers have their pluses and minuses. I started on a Mac as a kid and remained loyal to the brand through college graduation. Then — upon entrance into the corporate world — Windows-based PCs were thrust upon me.… Read the rest

Pain Over Complexity Will Drive Advertising Innovation

Below is the full text of my MediaPost column this week. I have a feeling that battling complexity and striving for simplicity will become a strong undercurrent in my writing going forward. It’s the mindset of my new workplace and it’s permeating my brain.… Read the rest