What Makes A Super Brand?

Costco ManOnly Costco has fans like this “Costco Man!”

This is Ron Susi sporting a shirt his wife made for him on his birthday, to commemorate his Costco dedication.

She describes him as the ultimate Costco member, who turns to Costco for his hearing aids, eye glasses, underwear, socks, vacation home furniture, food and vitamins, Christmas gifts and American Express card.… Read the rest

What Clean (Or Appalling) Workplace Kitchens Say About A Business

Dirty DishOne of the best ways to predict the quality of meals and service at a restaurant is to examine the restroom.

Restrooms — including toilets, tiles and washbasins — are among the easiest rooms to clean. If a restaurant staff can’t keep the restroom clean, then you can be sure that the kitchen will be worse.… Read the rest

Machines Transcribing Your Voicemail

Terminator Screening CallInbound, unscheduled calls can be incredibly disruptive.

That’s why I often shut off the phone to enter periods of productivity and focus on deliberate tasks and quiet thinking time.

The challenge with turning off my phone has been that I accumulate voice messages that need to be listened to, codified and then acted on.… Read the rest