Magellan’s Terrifying Voyage Around The World

Magellan_Elcano_Circumnavigation-enAs I’ve said many times, maritime nonfiction satisfies my craving for a time when men were really men – not softies like most men today, with their smart phones, tablet computers, paper cuts, cubicles, facial lotions and pedicures. Maritime nonfiction, particularly stories of the great explorers, provide far more compelling lessons on leadership and self-actualization than any contemporary business or psychology books.… Read the rest

Leave Things Better Than How You Found Them

Mister RogersI grew up with the simple value that you should leave a place in a better state than how you found it.

That’s the case whether it’s a kitchen, a conference room, the ocean where I sail and fish for recreation, or our  public Internet.

As we close down 2012 and look to the new year and beyond, I can’t help but think about the world we’re leaving for our children: their “tomorrow.”… Read the rest