Facebook’s Open Graph API allows websites to draw information about people, photos, events, pages and other objects — and their relationships between each other. Companies increasingly are luring users to opt into their Facebook-connected apps that offer access to valuable content or some other service.… Read the rest
Joe Paterno’s Duty
If you’re a citizen of the world, it’s your duty to report to law enforcement any instances or rumors of sexual crimes. Especially when they involve children.
When you are granted an esteemed position of leadership, like that of Joe Paterno, the moral stakes and expectations are even higher.… Read the rest
Movember Momentum
I just finished my first week participating in Movember, a global campaign to raise awareness and funds for male health, especially diseases like prostate cancer, which my uncle recently died from.
Donate to my Movember campaign here.
As you can see, I’ve opted for the traditional truck-driver moustache.… Read the rest
Freak Mother Nature
We took Hurricane Irene seriously.
Fortunately, her aftermath was less severe than it could’ve been. But the damage was still real, with downed trees and power lines everywhere. It made walking the sidewalks of our neighborhood in Pelham, New York truly hazardous.… Read the rest
It’s Movember!
I need your help.
When my Uncle Barry was officially diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2006, he made a point of not only informing me, but pleading with me to make sure I got checked out. Because he was a guy who put off health issues, doctors discovered his prostate cancer later-stage.… Read the rest