Television Upfronts On Life Support

A very smart friend who transitioned from cutting-edge interactive strategy consulting at a prestigious New York firm to general marketing strategy at a mega healthcare and consumer package company called me to see if I’d be available for a drink while he’s in New York for the television upfronts next week.… Read the rest

When Recruiting Becomes A Negative Ad Campaign

Earlier this week I wrote about bad recruiting practices among headhunters in the interactive advertising industry. The king of regurgitation, which I am, this week’s MediaPost column is adapted from that post:

Our hiring crisis is reflective of a service industry flooded with more opportunities, work and dollars that it can possibly manage, and one that can’t say no when it reaches its capacity.

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You Know The Interactive Advertising Industry Is Desperate For Talent When…

You know the interactive advertising industry is desperate for talent when you receive an unsolicited letter from an in-house recruiter at a major digital agency (names and details kept confidential to avoid humiliation) that addresses someone else you know and says:

Subject: Urgent Requirement: Vice President, Engineering

I found your profile on the web.

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