Erwin Ephron On Advertising Engagement

Following my recent and innocent pondering over the state of advertising engagement, advertising theorist and engagement critic Erwin Ephron chimed in today via his Mediaweek “Blunt Pencil” column:

It is our inability to define what we are talking about as more than a wild card that makes engagement dark and troubling.

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New Models of Advertising Will Require New Accountability Frameworks

My colleague, Jonathan Carson, CEO of Nielsen BuzzMetrics, did a nice interview with Dow Jones in anticipation of his keynote address at the upcoming Dow Jones Web Ventures Conference in Silicon Valley later this month. He talks about new advertising models and the necessary accountability frameworks to support them.… Read the rest

What You Thought Was Wrong With The Advertising Business Is Actually Far Worse

I suppose it’s politically incorrect to endorse George Parker, but his AdScam blog is pretty entertaining, and so blatant in revealing the advertising industry’s hidden and dark sides. His sarcasm and profanity can be a bit over the top, and commentary always incestuous, but he’s unafraid to call it as he sees it.… Read the rest

Brand Ad Salesmen Must Sell More ROI, Not Impressions


What a week: Laura and I closed on our new home and hired a nanny for our newborn Julian. Next week we’ll move in. Now, here’s my latest column focusing on the need for media ad-sales departments to gravitate to a model of selling ROI, versus impressions.… Read the rest