More Brandalism: Ads On Grocery Store Conveyor Belts

Please!!! Somebody stop these desperate, addicted advertisers and the drug-dealing media companies that support the sickly habit of attention disruption by obnoxious intrusion. They’re destroying our free space! AdAge reports (noted via Peter Kim‘s linkblog) :

"Conveyor belts have never been on anybody’s radar screen for marketing," said Frank Cox, president-CEO of EnVision Marketing Group, a Little Rock, Ark.,

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Are Advertisers Suffering From Addiction?

Following was also my MediaPost column

Are Advertisers Suffering From Addiction?

A television network will laser-imprint its logo and slogan on eggs in major markets around the U.S. this fall as it launches 35 million “egg-vertisements” to promote its fall lineup.… Read the rest

Don’t Beg For Attention, Be Attention

Noah Brier writes offers some vacation-reading reccomendations. This one caught my eye:

Chartreuse’s "The Big Difference Between Old and New" is as good a ‘state of the media’ as I’ve read. This line almost made me cry:

"Old media is begging for attention…New media is attention."

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It’s True: Advertising Is Broken, Says McKinsey

AdAge reports that McKinsey & Co. is telling major marketers that by 2010, traditional TV advertising will be one-third as effective as it was in 1990:

That shocking statistic, delivered to the company’s Fortune 100 clients in a report on media proliferation, assumes a 15% decrease in buying power driving by cost-per-thousand rate increases; a 23% decline in ads viewed due to switching off; a 9% loss of attention to ads due to increased multitasking and a 37% decrease in message impact due to saturation.

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