Jeff Jarvis (who I link to far too often) has a brilliant summary of what’s happening to the broad advertising-agency industry. He even cites Rob Hof’s write-up of the Supernova workshop I organized and co-moderated last week (which attending bloggers and journalists continue to give me no credit for…I guess I’m a big fat nobody).… Read the rest
Tag Archives: Advertising
Madison Avenue To Job Seekers: Only Cigar Smokers Need Apply
The New York Times reports that “The New York City Commission on Human Rights has scheduled hearings on how the advertising industry hires, retains and promotes minority employees, to be held the same week in September that the industry plans to hold its annual Advertising Week event.”… Read the rest
More “Search Is Strategic” Talk
Gavin O’Malley at AdAge writes a nice column about search informing offline marketing strategy and campaigns. Just as I pointed yesterday to ’s guest column in iMedia yesterday, it seems people are finally catching on to what I’ve been saying for a long, long time, and, most recently, here in my MediaPost search column:
… Read the restMarketers big and small have given credence to the short-term, direct-response benefits of paid search and optimization.
Marketers Must Not Enable Spyware Agents
Will Waugh at the Association of National Advertisers warns about advertisers’ “unknowing participation, through brokers, in spyware dissemination.”
This is a serious problem. Putting the scumbag spyware people aside, marketers – willingly or unknowingly – are the enablers.… Read the rest