How To Survive Advertising Week

The following also is my latest column in MediaPost.

How To Survive Advertising Week

If you work in marketing, media or advertising, you can’t escape Advertising Week! The glut of festivities – taking place this year from Sept. 22 to 26 – bills itself as “North America’s largest and most prestigious gathering of industry decision-makers.”… Read the rest

What Would You Ask The People Trying To Disrupt The Advertising Business With Automation?


(Terminator 2 Endoskeleton Arm — Source: Wikipedia)

As I’ve noted previously, I’ll be moderating a debate at O’Reilly’s Web 2.0 NYC conference on advertising automation and the fate of human, manual labor in the overall advertising ecosystem.… Read the rest

Have Advertising Industry Conferences Peaked?

I spoke to an organizer of a conference producer yesterday who says the big-tent events are getting tired. I also spoke yesterday to the head of marketing for a big agency who said they’re cutting back and focusing more on specific vertical conferences — and a lot fewer of them.… Read the rest

Best Way To Search Advertise: In-house Or Agency?

The New York heat wave has passed, but search advertising is getting really hot! No, I’m not talking about the Google + Yahoo – Microsoft deal! I’m talking about our SEMPO New York Meetup Group for search marketers and technology companies!… Read the rest