Machines Threaten Advertising Grunt Workers

Following is also my latest MediaPost Spin column… 

Machines Threaten Advertising Grunt Workers
March 21st, 2008 by Max Kalehoff

According to Garry Kasparov, the former world-champion chess player, the British mathematician Alan Turing envisioned the yet-to-be-invented computer playing chess and beating the human world champion.… Read the rest

Why Do Big Brands Still SPAM Customers With Pop-Under Ads?

When will they ever learn? Delivering your prospects — let alone existing customers — with pop-under browser ads equates to nothing more than annoying, offensive spam. Companies that spam usually are not interested in building long-term customer relationships.… Read the rest

Are You Positioned For Permanent Advertising Contraction?

Everyone’s talking about the looming recession, especially in the advertising business. I think there’s solid thinking about what the next year holds, but I took a stab at what the next five years may look like. My post below is also this week’s MediaPost column.… Read the rest