McDonald’s Advertising On Kids Report Cards?

Yeah, I’m not kidding. AdAge reports:

The Golden Arches picked up the $1,600 cost of printing report-card jackets for the 2007-2008 school year in Seminole County, Fla., in exchange for a Happy Meal coupon on the card’s cover. With 27,000 elementary school kids taking their report-card jackets home to be signed three or four times a year, that’s less than 2 cents per impression.

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Why Is The U.S. Behind In Online Advertising Spend? Is That Even The Right Question?

Reflecting on ZenithOptimedia’s latest ad-spend forecast, Jeff Jarvis asks why the U.S. is behind in its share of online ad spending versus major European countries:

Is it that the national media markets in those countries are more competitive and thus, perhaps, innovative?

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I Joined A Startup To Help Bring Some Simplicity To Our Complex World

I’ve been a little quiet lately, so I’m happy and relieved to finally share some exciting news. I recently left Nielsen BuzzMetrics (now known as Nielsen Online) – a company I remain passionate about and loyal to – to join an exciting startup in the search advertising space.… Read the rest

We’re All Suckers For Narratives

We’re All Suckers For Narratives

November 2, 2007

I have a passion for and history of helping digital marketing companies in new, emerging categories become significant and recognized brands. It’s what I do best. When people ask me what is my secret sauce, my answer is simple: it’s the ability to probe deep and elicit the essence of who you are, and to extract key stories that passionately demonstrate relevance, mission and a human connection to our world.… Read the rest