Avoid Being A Dork By Getting Your Headshot In Shape

I don’t attend many industry conferences, but there were a few this past July where I noticed something peculiar: the headshots of many of the speakers used in event publicity and promotions were years out of date. Compared to their current real-life appearance, many of the speakers’ headshots portrayed them with far fewer gray hairs and wrinkles, and an abundance of retro hairstyles and yesterday’s apparel.… Read the rest

When Your Mobile Carrier Treats You Like A Human Being

I’ve been with the same mobile carrier for 10 years. I almost left two years ago over a billing issue, but a special customer-service SWAT team swooped in and took things over. Since then, my family has enjoyed the benefits of a dedicated customer-service rep.… Read the rest

Do Your KPIs Help Or Hurt Your Business? KPI Litmus Test Reveals The Answer

Key Performance Indicators are metrics that track progress in achieving organizational goals. KPIs typically are tied to objectives, which lead up to corporate goals and strategy. Effective KPIs are simple, easily reported, widely understood and meaningful.… Read the rest

BP Arrogance

A little can say a lot.

I did a Google search for “british petroleum” to get some updates and perspective on the company’s oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. I discovered that BP is running a search advertising campaign — to introduce its own sponsored messages about the disaster whenever anyone searches on keywords about the company.… Read the rest

Startup Marketing

Charlie O’Donnell asked me to present at the inaugural nextNY Online Marketing School on June 1 in New York City. It’s the first in a five-part course to teach entrepreneurs and budding CMOs the fundamentals of online marketing. I’m to share my perspective on “properly resourcing an integrated marketing effort over the lifetime of a company.”… Read the rest