The Company Is The Marketing

Marketing For Dummies

Ben Kucher writes in Ars Technica that in the gaming world, in-house PR pros are better than agencies:

Dealing with many people in the PR business is a painful affair. They only know the bullet points for each game, they become uncomfortable when asked substantial questions, and, way too often, looks are prized over skill.

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Search Reshaping The Advertising Business

Image representing Google as depicted in Crunc...
Image via CrunchBase

Search advertising comprises roughly half of online advertising, and Google is the world’s most profitable and revolutionary media company. Sure, we all know that.

But what’s not blatantly acknowledged is how search-engine marketing DNA is expanding to new channels, heavily influencing the evolution of the entire media landscape.… Read the rest

A Note About Tracking Cookies

The Wall Street Journal’s All Things Digital recently served me an unexpected banner across the top of the blog’s entry page titled “A note about tracking cookies.” It said:

Some of the advertisers and Web analytics firms used on this site may place ‘tracking cookies’ on your computer.

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Optimize Your Personal Brand (If You Want To Exist)

In a discussion at my office last week, Steve Baker, author of “the Numerati,” described a day when there would be services widely available to help people optimize themselves in the new digital world. He underscored there have long been individual optimization services in the analog world.Read the rest