How To Create Effective Surveys That Make Customers Love (Not Hate) You

One flaw in my writing is that I’ll rant and rave about something that’s wrong, but fail to introduce or attempt a solution. Such was the case with my recent protest over pop-up surveys, as well as my corresponding poll emphasizing my community’s disdain over them.… Read the rest

Join Our Panel Discussion On Forrester’s Report On Trust In Corporate Blogging


Interested in how businesses use social media to build relationships with customers? Join us for a special panel discussion today…

I recently expressed disagreement with Forrester Research’s headline that most consumers don’t trust corporate blogs.… Read the rest

Forrester Research Gets It Wrong By Saying Corporate Blogs Aren’t Trusted

Image representing Forrester Research as depic...

Josh Bernoff, an analyst at Forrester Research, just sent me his latest report on corporate blogs. He pegged his write-up to a U.S. consumer survey whereby participants scored corporate blogs low on trust:

Corporate blogs rank at the bottom of the trust scale with only 16% of online consumers who read them saying that they trust them.

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Blogging And Community Is ‘Real’ Work

Fred Wilson says blogging is the “realest” work he does:

Do You Ever Do Any Real Work? That’s a question I used to get all of the time in the early days of this blog. I don’t get it so much anymore. Because slowly but surely people are wising up to the fact that blogging is work and its a very valuable use of my time…the time and energy I’ve put into this blog for the past five years has built a unique and very sophisticated audience.

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