Marketing Leadership Is Shifting From Command-And-Control To Cultivate-And-Coach

My early marketing leadership experiences included heavy-handed dictation of superlative messaging that the organization was expected to abide by. While this strategy sometimes could achieve alignment and convey strength, it often came across as forced and arrogant.… Read the rest

B2B Marketing Is Not Dead, But The Top-Down, Marketing Silo Is Eroding

Laura Ramos, an analyst at Forrester, says she is concerned about the future of the business marketing profession. “In particular, for those of us marketing high technology products and services.” She cites four trends countering marketing’s value:
  1. Commoditization (I translate this as hyper-competition.)
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Brand Building Will Continue To Rely On Careful Orchestration, While A Vocal Minority Drives Accountability

My friend Nigel Hollis, Chief Global Analyst at Millward Brown, invited friends to submit branding and research questions, and receive personal replies and insights. This was in anticipation of his forthcoming book, The Global Brand: How to Create and Develop Lasting Brand Value in the World Market, based on Millward Brown’s annual BrandZ study of 10,000 brands in 31 countries.… Read the rest