Social Media Training Wheels

Shel Holtz offers good advice for companies seeking to enter the world of social media in non-threatening ways. He suggests two passive approaches:

  • For your external communications, add a “share this” link to every article or page.
  • For internal communication, add a rating-and-comment feature to every page.
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I Don’t Get Any Respect, None I Tell You!

Rodney Dangerfield

Sprint CEO Dan Hesse recently told Forbes that “his number one priority is improving customer service.” I’m not sure that’s true. Miraculously, I’ve been a Sprint wireless customer since March 2000. My wife and I upgraded our phones this past Saturday amidst a promise on Sprint’s Web site for overnight product delivery.… Read the rest

The Disintegration Of Big Media Brands And The Content They Carry

The following also is my latest MediaPost column

As a media consumer, there’s one thing that has changed dramatically for me in the past two years: the eroding significance of big media brands to the programming I like. Sure, publishers and networks play a major role in the funding, development, distribution and promotion of programming.… Read the rest

Social Media Is What Caused The Marketing Game To Change

My friend Francois Gossieaux says we don’t do marketing with social media — social media is what caused the marketing game to change. More specifically:

It is not just a new channel to reach and interact with customers. Not realizing that distinction will result in companies not being able to achieve their business objectives.

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Best Way To Search Advertise: In-house Or Agency?

The New York heat wave has passed, but search advertising is getting really hot! No, I’m not talking about the Google + Yahoo – Microsoft deal! I’m talking about our SEMPO New York Meetup Group for search marketers and technology companies!… Read the rest