The Biggest Opportunities For Brands To Leverage Interactive Marketing

My CEO sparked a group email discussion last week by asking two questions:

  1. What are the three biggest opportunities for growth for brands to leverage interactive/digital marketing?
  2. What are the three biggest challenges needed to overcome to facilitate growth?
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There’s No Such Thing As Free!

Following also is my latest MediaPost column

There’s No Such Thing As Free!
April 4th, 2008 by Max Kalehoff

Free is the next big thing, according to Chris Anderson, editor of Wired and author of “The Long Tail.” In a recent Wired cover story, a preview to his impending book, called “FREE,” Anderson says that the Web represents an extension of the media business model to numerous industries.… Read the rest

Mission-Critical Presentation Advice: Dump Powerpoint

Today in Twitter, Steve Rubel pointed to Mitchell York’s “Less Is More” advice for presenters. In less-is-more fashion, Mitchell offered five concise tips. One really jumped out at me, although it was buried at number-four in the ranking:


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Stubborn Customers Shun The Greatest Product Innovations

Following is also my latest column in Mediapost.

Stubborn Customers Shun The Greatest Product Innovations
March 14th, 2008 by Max Kalehoff

If you follow my column, blog or Twitter updates, you know that I recently canceled my bundled Internet-television-phone service with Cablevision.… Read the rest

Ignorant Customers Happier With Their Choices

The following is also my latest MediaPost Spin column

Ignorant Customers Happier With Their Choices

February 29th, 2008 by Max Kalehoff

The less your customers know about what they bought, the happier they’ll be.

That’s according to researchers at the University of Iowa, who recently announced new research suggesting that people who have only a little information about a product are happier with that product than people who have more information.… Read the rest