Pain Over Complexity Will Drive Advertising Innovation

Below is the full text of my MediaPost column this week. I have a feeling that battling complexity and striving for simplicity will become a strong undercurrent in my writing going forward. It’s the mindset of my new workplace and it’s permeating my brain.… Read the rest

Top-Ten PR Blunders List

Since a number of PR professionals — and a few complete nonprofessionals — read this blog, I thought I’d point out Kevin Dugan’s excellent “top-ten things you should never say to the media” roundup. My recent account of avoiding “smoke up my rear” by a neophyte PR guy actually made it in there as the top “slick shout-out and honorable mention.”… Read the rest

I Joined A Startup To Help Bring Some Simplicity To Our Complex World

I’ve been a little quiet lately, so I’m happy and relieved to finally share some exciting news. I recently left Nielsen BuzzMetrics (now known as Nielsen Online) – a company I remain passionate about and loyal to – to join an exciting startup in the search advertising space.… Read the rest