Below is the full text of my MediaPost column this week. I have a feeling that battling complexity and striving for simplicity will become a strong undercurrent in my writing going forward. It’s the mindset of my new workplace and it’s permeating my brain.… Read the rest
Tag Archives: Marketing
Clarity In Web Metrics
MediaPost reported on the Interactive Advertising Bureau’s first Audience Measurement Leadership Forum, which took place in New York yesterday:
… Read the restThe conference was aimed at demystifying Web metrics at a time when marketers and agencies have more ways of measuring online audiences than ever.
Top-Ten PR Blunders List
Since a number of PR professionals — and a few complete nonprofessionals — read this blog, I thought I’d point out Kevin Dugan’s excellent “top-ten things you should never say to the media” roundup. My recent account of avoiding “smoke up my rear” by a neophyte PR guy actually made it in there as the top “slick shout-out and honorable mention.”… Read the rest
I Joined A Startup To Help Bring Some Simplicity To Our Complex World
I’ve been a little quiet lately, so I’m happy and relieved to finally share some exciting news. I recently left Nielsen BuzzMetrics (now known as Nielsen Online) – a company I remain passionate about and loyal to – to join an exciting startup in the search advertising space.… Read the rest
The Cost Of Advertising For Consumers
What is your brand’s message, really? That’s an important question because behaviors ultimately create message in advertising. And the message and advertising brands create ultimately has a cost, not just for advertisers, but for consumers.… Read the rest