At The Beach

I’m at the beach this week for a family vacation in Sea Isle City, NJ. I’m not going to tell you that posting will be light for a few days (which would require me to boldly assume you really care), but I will tell you I’m posting mini-updates to Twitter via my Treo, which you can see in my sidebar, or via RSS subscription, or by following me within the Twitter community.… Read the rest

EVENT: Rising Concern Over Advertising To Kids

Critics fiercely argue the childhood obesity epidemic may be attributed directly to advertising, and that government intervention and regulation is needed immediately. As a new parent, I resonate with this stance. My son is only nine months old, but already I notice his susceptibility to colorful food packaging and promotions as we walk down grocery aisles.… Read the rest

The “User” Is Dead, But What About The Consumer?

Below is my MediaPost column this week, on death of the word “user.” Jim Johnson asks in the comments on the MediaPost blog: “Heck, in 10 years will the term ‘friend’ jump the shark??” My guess is that the term friend already has jumped the shark.… Read the rest