Evolution Of The Advertising Ecosystem: Microsoft Acquires Aquantive

The ambiguity of media, advertisers and agencies continues. On the heels of ad-agency holding company WPP’s announcement to acquire ad-network company 24/7, marketer and media play Microsoft just announced it will acquire ad-agency and -technology company aQuantive for $6 billion. … Read the rest

Earned Attention Should Become The Cornerstone of Marketing Integration

Barbara Bacci Mirque at the ANA noted that ideas are the answer to the top-of-mind marketing challenge known as “integration”:

A recent ANA survey highlighted that integrated marketing now tops the list as the issue that keeps senior marketers up at night.

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Why Do Marketers Rate Themselves Highly While Customers Don’t?

Why are companies so out of sync with their customers? I tried to address it in my MediaPost column this week. I’ve included full text below, but please join the commentary at the MediaPost blog.

Why Do Marketers Rate Themselves Highly While Customers Don’t?Read the rest

Advertisers Will Continue To Squander Consumer Attention & Trust

Jim Nail asks if the advertising industry can be saved in an era where “marketers’ only response in this time of change is to shout louder and to make ever more outlandish claims.” He says:

Consumer attention and trust are the “common property” that all advertisers use, but there is no individual disincentive to abuse them.

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