New Media Stumble Into “Engagement” Bash, Confront Elephant In Room


I polished up an old post about new-media guys and engagement, to become this week’s MediaPost OnlineSpin column. What do you think?


New Media Stumble Into "Engagement" Bash, Confront Elephant In Room

by Max Kalehoff, November 3, 2006

As the social-media and Web 2.0 revolution continues, I’ve been convinced the traditional advertising and media establishment was alone in the debate over engagement.

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Brands Have Little to Contribute to Social Interaction

Nigel Hollis has a nice post on the challenges of brands entering social media as of late…often blind and desperate:

Most brands have nothing to contribute to the social interaction that takes place on the sites, because they don’t fit in and they don’t add anything of value…

[B]ringing something of interest or value is just the “price of entry.”

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