Promote Your Marketing Blog With A Flyer

Nigel Hollis, chief research analyst at Millward Brown, is a hip guy, especially for a research guy. But he’s the last I would’ve suspected to come up with a clever way to promote his blog. I recently stopped by the Millward Brown offices to interview Michelle de Montigny for the Engagement By Engagement blog, and came across this nifty flyer in the lobby promoting Nigel’s blog:





This is one of the more engaging, non-BS corporate collateral pieces I’ve seen.… Read the rest

Forrester CGM Report Available, Courtesy of Nielsen BuzzMetrics

I recently wrote how Forrester validated consumer-generated media in its first-ever Brand Monitoring Report, led by Peter Kim. My employer, Nielsen BuzzMetrics, which was cited a “leader” and having “the strongest strategic vision,” has licensed the report and is making it available – right here – to all in our industry, free of charge (a $349 value).… Read the rest

Are Marketers Serious About Ceding Control To Consumers?


Are marketers serious about ceding control to consumers? "Letting go" was the key message from A.G. Lafley, P&G’s chief, at the recent ANA conference. I think the message is right, but the hard part comes in the execution and the details.… Read the rest

Jim Nail Breaks Down Engagement

Jim Nail at Cymfony penned a nice piece on engagement for iMedia. He describes four dimensions of engagement, which he synthesized from discussions at the Consumer Engagement conference:

  • Media engagement. Ad-selling media organizations have pounced on engagement like a pride of lions on a wounded wildebeest.
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