My mission with AttentionMax is to chronicle trends and disruption in media and marketing, as well as offer frequent anecdotes on how they impact everyday life…my life, in particular. It’s interesting to see which posts resonate with people and spawn public comment or private email, especially considering my uncontrollable tendency to cross between professional and personal life.… Read the rest
Tag Archives: Marketing
Marketers: Become Happy Losers
Please join the debate and comment here on my latest MediaPost OnlineSpin column, where I recommend marketing organizations to adopt a culture of Happy Losers (inspired by G. Clotaire Rapaille):
… Read the restMarketer’s Confession: I’m A Happy Loser
by Max KalehoffMarketing and media models are broken.
Laurent Flores: Research 2.0
Laurent Flores of CRMMetrix has a great post today on Research 2.0:
… Read the restListening is certainly the future, as researchers finally realize than their "raw materials" to produce data and insights: "Respondents" are getting more power, and as such the old traditional model of "forced questions" to get answers will soon die.
Pop-Up Hell: The Marketers’ Fault!
Marketers often blame an intermediary agency when they are caught engaged in annoying, unethical or illegal practices, such as word-of-mouth stealth marketing, adware or spyware. I have little patience for executives and companies who hide behind intermediaries.… Read the rest
Email Marketing Company Plagiarized My Work!
A reader of AttentionMax just brought to my attention that an executive at an email marketing company blatantly plagiarized my work – specifically my last column in MediaPost titled “Media Specialists Must Embrace Consumer-Generated Media”.… Read the rest