LeeAnn Prescott of Hitwise (which I used to consult for) has a great post reflecting on the highly misguided “Is Digg.com as big as than the NYTimes.com” meme. Digg is a social news aggregator where members of its community vote on which stories will be featured on the front page; NYTimes is the online version of the New York Times.… Read the rest
Tag Archives: Marketing
PayPerPost Pays Bloggers To Be Shills
John Fine of Businessweek reports today on the launch of PayPerPost, which describes itself to advertisers as:
… Read the restan automated system that allows you to promote your Web site, product, service or company through the PayPerPost network of bloggers.
Game Mechanics Applied to Marketing And Brands
Here’s my latest MediaPost column and dispatch, from Supernova…
Game Mechanics Applied to Marketing And Brands
June 23rd, 2006 by Max Kalehoff
I deliver this dispatch from Kevin Werbach’s Supernova 2006 conference, the gathering of “business, government, and technology thought leaders to understand how decentralization and pervasive connectivity are changing the world.  Read the rest
Online Versus Offline Word of Mouth: A Pointless Debate
Near the end of day one of the Word of Mouth Marketing Association’s WOMBAT conference, there’s one misguided marketing framework unfortunately getting too much attention: that most word of mouth occur offline versus online.… Read the rest
More “Search Is Strategic” Talk
Gavin O’Malley at AdAge writes a nice column about search informing offline marketing strategy and campaigns. Just as I pointed yesterday to ’s guest column in iMedia yesterday, it seems people are finally catching on to what I’ve been saying for a long, long time, and, most recently, here in my MediaPost search column:
… Read the restMarketers big and small have given credence to the short-term, direct-response benefits of paid search and optimization.